Coaching FAQ.

If you’re considering mindset coaching to help you navigate life’s obstacles, challenges and setbacks, you’ll want to learn more about whether or not it’s the right fit for you.

How Do I Know If Mindset Coaching Is For Me?

To know if mindset coaching is right for you, it’s best to meet the mindset coach you want to work with before committing. That’s why I recommend anyone interested in my services book a no-obligation to call to find out if mindset coaching is for you.

Together, we can discover what’s holding you back and what you might need to help you obligate these challenges. Sometimes, mindset coaching isn’t the wisest first step for everyone, and I’m more than  happy to recommend an alternative path to help you at this stage of your journey.

What Is Mindset Coaching?

Mindset coaching helps you break through mental barriers that are preventing you from reaching your biggest goals. Under the guidance of a mindset coach, this type of service is great for those who are ready to understand and overcome the triggers in their life that keep them from becoming their most authentic self.

Mindset Coaching is not:

  • Counselling or psychotherapy. While our coaching sessions address emotions and beliefs, it differs from therapy. We work to resolve emotional conflicts so you can grow.
  • For people who believe they have life figured out. To get the most benefits from mindset coaching, you must be open to learning more about yourself and the world.
  • A reason to think there’s something wrong with you. Even the world’s top achievers and leaders have teams of experts helping them through life to keep them at the top.
  • A quick fix. Mindset coaching is a fundamental aspect of your growth. But it’s not a quick fix. Instead, my services are one of many tools to help you navigate life’s biggest obstacles.

Is Coaching with Giorgio What You’re Looking For?

Before you commit to a mindset mentor, join the waitlist to apply for a free, no-obligation 60-minute call with Giorgio. This call will help you better understand how Giorgio works and help you decide if he can get you the desired results. I never take in more than eight clients, so make sure to book your discovery session as soon as possible.
